
The API will paginate the answers automatically, by default it will receive 50 documents per page.

Each response contains a pagination object with information about the response.

totalinttotal number of documents in response
pagesintnumber of pages
currentPageintactual page

Move between pages

To move between pages you can add the page number as a parameter in the URL.
Add a ? sign at the end of the URL followed by page = <value> where value is an integer indicating the page number you want to receive.

Example: to go to page 3, ?page=3

Limit the number of documents

If you want to limit the amount of documents received per page, you can add the amount as a parameter in the URL.
Add a ? Sign at the end of the URL followed by limit = <value> where value is the number of documents to receive.

Example: to receive 20 documents per page, ?limit=20

Limit documents and move between pages.

In the same way, you can limit the number of documents and at the same time move between pages by joining the parameters in the URL with &.

Example: to receive 10 documents and scroll to page 5, ?limit=10&page=5